Home Forums pH Forum Physiology Next Module – Nutrient Timing

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    Timothy Caron

    We got a legendary Module coming up this month. If you attended Muscle Mentorship at my facility last year you heard Rob Jacobs talk about lot about Circadian Biology and its impact on metabolism of certain foods. Were going to dive deep on that!

    Also we are adding podcasts for Strength Chronicles Blog Series, so stay on the look out for that here soon.

    Corey Hobbs

    This topic is huge!

    Timothy Caron

    yeah i went really down a rabbit hole on the podcasts

    Timothy Caron

    If you had a chance to listen to A Nutrient Timing, I went pretty deep on some topics. This is not an easy thing to unpack, just like looking at there is no such thing as a lever in the body and its just fluids moving, nutrient timing is not a principle, but sun and dark are. Some books that really helped me come to this, lets say conclusion for now, were:



    Timothy Caron

    Case Study (C) for Nutrient Timing is up, went over Carbohydrate Tolerance and High Glycemic Indexed foods based on Goals/BodyFat/Regional Storage/Blood Markers

    Went pretty deep, enjoy everyone!

    Corey Hobbs

    I’m wondering how do you think we should go about prioritizing the site measurements vs the bloodwork. In theory, <80mg/dL fasting gluocose would mean someone can handle carbs throughout the day. But subscap and supra iliac way above that set threshold showing she can’t handle higher carbs or glycemic loads. Especially with where her body fat % is.

    As I think through it, the blood is just giving a snapshot, and the person I’m thinking of specifically is right at the edge at 79mg/dL. Whereas the sites are giving a picture over a longer period of time.

    I think this is an area where a CGM can give us a much better idea of how well someone is tolerating their carbs.

    Timothy Caron

    Blood is great, but it can change pretty dramatically. My opinion on your question would be body comp>blood. My reason for that is its more of an outcome measure of what you are doing over a longer period of time, it is more accessible, and more within S&C scope.

    Hope that they line up but for sakes of keeping it simple:
    1 Bod Fat >12%, probably need to restrict overall carb intake
    2a High Subscap – Lower Carbs
    2b High Supeailliac – Lower High GLycemic Carbs
    3a High Fasting Blood Glucose – Time post workout only
    3b High Ha1C – Lower Carbs
    3C High Oral Glucose – Lower High Glycemic

    Sorry if that was confusing, reality is that this will probably line up, but in the event it does not go overall body fat, site specific, to blood. This is based on what we have more direct access to and what is primarily in our scope. if that makes sense

    Corey Hobbs

    No, that makes sense! That’s where I was leaning too with the blood having more dramatic changes and the body giving a longer-term snapshot.

    Timothy Caron

    Yeah its a tough thing to tease in and out of, on one end you have this knowledge of blood panel’s and how to best optimize on the other end you have to figure what is practical and explainable.

    Good news is that we can sequester discounted lab pannels on realize now

    Corey Hobbs

    I saw! That’s a huge addition. Keeping those relatively cost friendly and having a visual set of results can help with what’s explainable. Realize is such a valuable tool, and it seems like they just keep on adding valuable features by the month.

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