
Strength Coach Chronicles – Pre/Post Mortem

If you are familiar with goal setting, you should be familiar with the concept of Pre and Post Mortems. The idea adds on top of just setting goals the focal point of understanding constraints and limiting factors to accomplishing something. 

We are approaching the end of the year and should take some time to think about what exactly we want to accomplish in 2022. However, was there any inventory about what you did or didn’t accomplish in 2021? 

The past is a partial view of the future.

What has happened will not happen again, at least in the direct manner it has already happened. The future will be its own unique environment with new variables that will be completely different relative to past experiences. However, we can learn from what we did or did not accomplish with a Post Mortem. 

Part of the issue of goal setting in any form is the debriefing of what actually happened. The idea of reflecting on not accomplishing something is challenging. Too often, big-audacious goals come up short and the ability to ascertain why it did not happen is skipped entirely. Could have been a great plan but poor inventory of what is realistic or necessary. Alternatively, it could have been an appropriate goal but with poor planning or execution towards that goal. 

Some common things that may come up with strength and conditioning is trying to be a head strength and conditioning coach or owning your own gym. So you set a goal of becoming a head or owning a gym this year. What next? Relatively speaking, a goal with a plan or debrief on accomplishing or not accomplishing is just blowing smoke. 

A pre-mortem is setting the goal, looking at the action steps to accomplishing that goal, and understanding the limiting factors to those action steps. For example, wanting to be a head strength coach. Where you’re at makes a huge difference. Being an assistant with a very unsuccessful team means a whole host of variables that are going to be limiting towards your action steps. 

If your goal of being a head strength coach in 2022, is not met with action steps and limiting factors you are flying blind. I am an assistant and want to be a head, what are the action steps needed? Read more? Probably not, most interviews do not include what you know. Network with sport coaches that are on the up? Probably going to be more specific to being a head coach from assistant. 

An action step would be working on networking skills with key people that can help you advance. A limiting factor could be your ability to sell yourself, developing trust with people, fostering relationships through offering services, or just simply developing rapport. Limiting factors are inventory of areas of growth relative to a goal. If you want to be a head strength coach you are better served focussing on areas of weakness over accentuating strengths. 

Owning a gym limiting factor could be starting capital. Do you have the ability to sell something or ask for money? Again, you may know more but if you focus exclusively on what you like to do or are already good at you will come up short. Context matters, being the smartest or most skilled coach is irrelevant if you do not have enough money to start a business. 

The post mortem is reviewing your action steps and pinpointing limiting factors.

Your accuracy of spotting limiting factors is improved only by reflection. If your plan was poor, your limiting factors were not as limiting as you once thought. Inventorying weakness is about an incredible insight into yourself. Deciding on limiting factors is as much about understanding your previous failures as anything else. 

Coming up on 2022 starts with a post mortem of 2021. Really dive in: where did you come up short? What could you have done differently? 2022 can only be as good as what you need to work on. Pre-post mortem are fundamental to accomplishing something that is grandiose and needs to be structured in a way that is meaningful towards your career.